Read Through the Bible: Day 44

Read the Bible Through in a Year: Day 44

Genesis 24-27

Genesis 24: This chapter takes place a few years after Sarah has died. Abraham becomes urgent to find Isaac a wife, not among the women of Canaan, but from his own people back in Mesopotamia. His trusted servant, sent to accomplish this mission with the help of the Lord, eventually returns with Rebekah, the granddaughter of Abraham’s own brother. Isaac is married to her at the age of 40.

Genesis 25: This chapter rushes to fill in the details of the end of Abraham’s life before beginning the story of Isaac’s years as patriarch. Abraham marries another woman and has six sons with her, eventually sending them all away from Isaac. Abraham dies and is buried with Sarah. Ishmael’s 12 sons are listed, and then his death is recorded, as well. Finally, Isaac’s twin boys are born in response to his prayer to the Lord.

Genesis 26: This chapter seems to jump back in time to the season before Jacob and Esau were born, as described in the previous chapter. This is common in ancient literature. The Lord establishes and renews His covenant promises to Isaac, blessing him abundantly in the land of Philistines during a time of famine. Eventually, Abimelech sends Isaac away due to his growing power and disputes over water rights, but they end up forming a peace treaty. Esau’s marriage to foreign women creates strife, adding more fuel to the controversy which is soon to occur.

Genesis 27: Prior chapters described the prosperity of Isaac, living in the Valley of Gerar. This chapter leaps forward to near the end of Isaac’s life. The time has come to pass on the family blessing. Isaac’s intention to give that blessing to the firstborn, Esau, is thwarted by the deception of Isaac’s wife Rebekah and his other son Jacob. Isaac overcomes his suspicions that the man before him is not Esau and delivers the very blessing of God on Jacob. Esau is left with a near-curse and a murderous rage. Rebekah urges Jacob to go to her brother’s household, a plan Isaac will endorse in the following chapter. There, he will ironically experience the sting of deception in his own life.

Mt big takeaway from today is don’t trade your birthright for the temporary pleasures of this world.

What stood out to you today? Put your thoughts or questions in the Comments and let’s learn and grow together.